Wow! This year is going to be outstanding! Are you ready - soar? Patricia Diane, New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose states "2009 numerically is an 11 year. Eleven is the master number that reflects the transformation of the physical into the Divine. The archetypes for the patterns of perfection for the New Earth were securely anchored into the physical plane in August 2008. In 2009, through our creative faculties of thought and feeling, we will expand these patterns into our daily experiences. 2009 is going to be whatever we co-create together. " (c) 2008 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
I'm extremely excited about 2009 and know that people are coming together world wide to create something bigger than themselves. The Power of Unity and celebrating diversity. This is why I'm founding and co-creating the Passion Challenge Dance in April 2009. The event represents the universal language that we all speak of joy, love, compassion, mother earth, passion and brings people together to make a difference and give back to community. Very Powerful! I invite you to join our V.I.P. Club (Vision, Integrity and Passion/Purpose) at and be a part of this event.
Ask yourself what is it that you want to create, be and do in 2009? What will be different and how are you going to challenge yourself to work outside of your comfort zones and expand? I love to challenge myself when I move into the 'fear' factor which is really an illusion (false evidence appearing real). Our family was on a mini trip north of Ontario this summer and my husband and son went off to the event, Paint Ball. I was not interested in this at the time (contrast is awesome) and choose to move out of a false 'fear' I had of parasailing. I used to love heights and in the past I have sky dived and also parasailed many years ago in Mexico. So, I decided to book right there and then, to parasail today! Well you know, I was a little nervous, but here I go!
The website for this awesome team is and this was at the Deerhurst Resort, Huntsville, Muskoka As I quickly moved up into the air, I was swinging back and forth and was starting to focus on the little hook that hooks me on! Well, that hook got my attention and dialogue for a short period of time and then I said "these guys (Mike and Jay), know what they are doing and I'm not ready to die at this time, so move into trust and focus on the great views and 'be' in the moment! That decision to shift my attention to enjoy the whole experience was the 'key' to moving into a better feeling e-motion. Remember energy plus motion attracts the same vibe into your life experience. The guys even took me down and dipped me in the water. I did ask myself what were they doing for a moment and then down I went and rose quickly again up into the sky! These guys are an amazing team, so check them out if you want to experience this adventure.
You know what is cool? You get to make the decision on how you are going to expand, grow and live your life today to the fullest potential! Write to us and share your story and leave your comments on the blog. Remember life is a journey and not a destination and you will continue to grow each day!
Live the Passion!
Well written and said - an encouragement to me.
So let me go our of my 'comfort zone' and say I've had a bit of success lately too :-)
Btw: Hello from Norway and thanks for the add at FB!
RennyBA's Terella
Thank you RennyBA for your lovely comments. I think it is important to continually challenge ourselves and move outside of the box; or the fish tank; or our comfort zones and grow! LIfe is about change and the wonderful journey - life!
Wishing you all the best!
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